The TCA Cycle as Oxidative Decarboxylation

Outline the TCA cycle as oxidative decarboxylation with the addition of acetyl CoA as the energy source in each cycle

  • Decarboxylation:
    • The removal of a carboxyl group, which releases CO2. The TCA cycle contains many examples of this.
    • Oxidation reaction
  • Acetyl CoA fuels the TCA cycle.
  • Pyruvate is converted into Acetyl CoA via oxidative decarboxylation:
    • A carboxyl group is removed from Pyruvate and released as CO2.
    • The remaining 2-carbon portion is then oxidised by NAD+. NAD+ gains two hydrogens. The 2-carbon portion becomes acetic acid.
    • Coenzyme A attaches itself to the acetic acid, forming acetyl-CoA. This molecule is needed in order for the TCA cycle to continue.