Proteins Are Used as Both Structural Molecules And Enzymes to Catalyse Metabolic Reactions

The Biochemistry of Movement > Proteins Are Used as Both Structural Molecules And Enzymes to Catalyse Metabolic Reactions >

Proteins are used as both structural molecules and enzymes to catalyse metabolic reactions


  • process information from secondary sources to draw the generalised structural formula for an amino acid
  • identify data, plan, choose equipment and perform first-hand investigations to observe the effect of changes in pH and temperature on the reaction of a named enzyme and use the available evidence to relate this to possible changes in the primary, secondary and/or tertiary structure of the enzyme involved
  • process and analyse information from secondary sources to discuss the use of models in the development of understanding of enzyme function

Extract from Chemistry Stage 6 Syllabus (Amended October 2002). © 2009, Board of Studies NSW.