Monitoring and Management> 3. Manufactured Products >
Gather, process and present information to describe and explain evidence for the need to monitor levels of one of the above ions in substances used in society
- Lead is toxic to all living creatures, including humans.
- Lead is a cumulative poison that affects every system of the body.
- Lead is of particular concern with children, as they have a greater tendency to absorb the metal than adults.
- In particular, lead poisoning can lead to the retardation of intellectual development in children, brain damage and neurological disorders.
- Thus, it is important to monitor the levels of lead in certain areas in order to ensure that people are not exposed to excessive concentrations.
- Lead is the most widely used heavy metal, and is chiefly used as:
- A petrol additive in older vehicles, acting as an octane enhancer and a valve lubricant (now banned in many nations, including Australia).
- A pigment, especially in paints (now banned in many nations, including Australia).
- Areas that may require monitoring of lead levels include:
- The air.
- Waterways.
- Drinking water.
- Surface soils (especially beside highways).
- Landfill containing lead products.
- Certain foods.