Conduct an investigation to compare the properties of organic chemical compounds within a homologous series, and explain these differences in terms of bonding

Properties of chemical compounds within a homologous series:

  • Members within the same homologous series have same functional group if present. As for example, all alcohols have the functional group –OH.
  • Two consecutive members of the same homologous series differ by a –CH2
  • Members within the same homologous series can be represented by a general formula. For example, the general formula of alkenes is CnH2n.
  • The chemical reactions of organic compounds are mainly controlled by their functional groups. Hence, compounds of the same homologous series give similar reactions.
  • With increase in molecular mass, physical properties of compounds within the same homologous series steadily increases.
  • The general method of preparation for organic compounds is same within a homologous series.