The Biochemistry of Movement > Gentle Exercise Uses Type 1 Muscles And Involves Aerobic Respiration
Gentle exercise uses type 1 muscles and involves aerobic respiration
Students learn to:
- describe the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle as another multi-enzyme system involved in respiration
- outline the TCA cycle as oxidative decarboxylation with the addition of acetyl CoA as the energy source in each cycle
- identify the products of the TCA cycle and explain the role of oxidation and reduction in the cycle
- summarise the role of the cytochrome chain and identify the location of the chain of enzymes involved within the mitochondrion
- describe the role of oxygen in respiration
- process information from a simplified flow chart of biochemical pathways to produce a flow chart summarising the steps in aerobic respiration
- process information from a simplified flow chart of biochemical pathways to analyse the total energy output from glycolysis and compare it with the energy output from the TCA cycle
Extract from Chemistry Stage 6 Syllabus (Amended October 2002). © 2009, Board of Studies NSW.