Inquiry question: How can alcohols be produced and what are their properties?
● investigate the structural formulae, properties and functional group including:
– primary
– secondary
– tertiary alcohols
● explain the properties within and between the homologous series of alcohols with reference to the intermolecular and intramolecular bonding present
● conduct a practical investigation to measure and reliably compare the enthalpy of combustion for a range of alcohols
● write equations, state conditions and predict products to represent the reactions of alcohols, including but not limited to (ACSCH128, ACSCH136):
– combustion
– dehydration
– substitution with HX
– oxidation
● investigate the production of alcohols, including:
– substitution reactions of halogenated organic compounds
– fermentation
● investigate the products of the oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols
● compare and contrast fuels from organic sources to biofuels, including ethanol
Extract from Chemistry Stage 6 Syllabus © 2017 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)